Mission Overland


Last week I completed the Oklahoma Adventure Trail on my Honda CRF250L. I’ll put my thoughts on the trail in a different post but here are some pictures from the trip.

On my last motorcycle camping trip, I decided to leave the tent for the first time. I have brought the hammock before but was never brave enough to go away from what I was used to so I gave myself no option this time.

This weekend I was able to do another quarter of the Oklahoma Adventure Trail, a section that pretty well did a big loop around Tulsa, OK. Sat morning started out at the Homestead Family restaurant in Cushing, OK where I had some much-needed coffee and some great french toast.

I started venturing into the realm of adventure motorcycles to carry my passion for overlanding in to the two-wheel area. With the Honda CRF 250L I have been able to go on several trips, have no issues, and largely learn what the heck I’m doing on a motorcycle.

Being new at this whole adventure motorcycle thing caused me to do most of it alone because I’m embarrassed enough when no one is around, imagine what its like when people are there to heckle. lol. That being said, I decided it was time to branch out of my tiny comfort zone and attend a rally for the first time.